== 9 Apr 2008 == Start here pa. 11th.Apr.08.(Fri.)1000hrs. Luckily I can read Chinese, if I hear only from the Western reports like BBC website in particular, I would believe that the whole world is going against China hosting the so called the Olimpic Games. Those ruffians and hooligans who tried to disrupt the relay of Olympic torch are nothing but a small bunch of disspirited souls. They don't even know where Tibet is left alone the history of Tibet. The white men still dream of the old colonial days when they were supreme. I hope the Chinese will go on with the Olympics with or without the boycot. At 1225hrs, I learnt from the Xinhuanet that everyone of those who join in the disturbacne were paid 300 euro $. 12th.Apr.08.(Sat.)The time is really 1215am. Went for a morning walk at the Titiwangsa park because it was raining in the evening yesterday. I am really happy to find that the Chinese has won the battle on the disturbance on the Olympics torch relay. Their endeavour has really slapped on their own face. The tactics empployed are childish and crude. 13th.Apr.08.(Mon.) 0830hrs. Nothing interesting to write about for Sunday. Stayed at homw, Lip Wern came to the house in the evening and had fried rice. Did not go to the park because his mother did not want him to excite himself too much thus he can not fall asleep at night. Oh yes went to the association for tea session and for a chat. Nothing spectacular to write about. The Olympic torch relay and the Tibet issue still occupied the main news in TV and newspaper. I am surprised to see that a terrorist who encouraged to torch shops and killed people in monk's robe can be spiritual leader. I think a terrorist is bad terrorist or good terrorist depening who he kills. If he kill the white men that is a real terrorist, if the one that kill other colour people then that is a good terrorist. 15th.Apr.08.(Tue.) 1830hrs. There is nothing much to write about my daily life. Read the newspaper, a little on book, surf the net and sleep. Of course on surfing the net there are a lot of happenings for thought and conment. Of course there are a lot of happenings that do not bother me at all. I do not border on the issue of world food shortage because as long as I am OK why should border about the rest. My concentration now is devoted on the western plot against the Olympic. I am treating it as a drama from now on till the end of it. And see who will win. Up to this point of time it seems that the disruption on the relay of the torch has died down. Oh ya, mom and I had been to Tibet say in 2004 for a short tour(the normal tourist tour). Most unfortunately was we were not taken to see the whole city are or the farms instead we were taken to visit from one monastery to another to be told the history of Tibetan Buddhism. From what I had seen the Tibetan Bddhism is definitly not for me and I do not think that religion will ever give happiness to anyone who believe it. 17th.Apr.08.(Thu.) 1240hrs. I am glad that the Inernet makes me more Chinese than ever before, because I learn a lot from the net that what those whitemen had done and still doing to humiliate the Chinese. As a Chinese myself what you expect me to do? To be on their side to humiliate my own race? To be with them just because they say they love freedom and practice democracy? They had been running the whole world during the colonial days, what had they done for the people under their rule? Now that the Chinese are prosperous and the nation in strong, so they are jealous and try every means to subvert it. Glad to see the Chinese all over the world is united to ward off the wolf in the sheep skin. They had pretended far too long. They are the angels of yesterdays but the devils of todays. 18th.Apr.08.(Fri.) 0915hrs. If Jack Cafferty and people like him (the supremacists)from the CNN and BBC are allowed to slap the face of the Chinese in broad daylike in the name of free speech and freedom of press, why should not I slap their face in return by telling what is in my mind? In a nutshell I would like to declared that I am now totally converted to Chairman Mao's thought. I used to tell people who are close to me that if I can write a book, the title of my book would have been " I am sorry to you Chairman Mao". During the Chinese civil war I used to believe that Chiang Kai Shek was the man to save China to become a prosperoug and strong country. I used to believe the propogandas produced by the CIA and the western writers. Alas, how wrong I was. Mao Tze Thong was really the man who not only give life to China, he also save Asia from the imperialists and colocialists. His thought has given the impetus to people of the world who would like to save their countries for themselves. In Iraq they need a man like Vietcong general(Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap) who chased the French and Americans away from Vietnam to lead them to throw out the white invaders. 1265hrs. Learnt that China is building a naval base in Sanya, Hainan island at southtern most of China. It is a good news, let the whitemen do what they want as long as the Chinese temselves. It seems that the Japs like their white master express concern about the matter. The base will allow the Chinese navy to enter the Pacific freely unlike the base in Qindao which prevent them coming out without being detected. 19th.Apr.08.(Sat.) A few days ago the Tibetan spirit leader was in US giving spiritual talk, it looked like everybody present listened very very attentively, what a bunch of pious people and now the Pope is in US blessing the people, what a lucky people who are so blessed. What rejoice me is to learn that China has started building the fast rail from Beijing to Shanghai(18th.Apr.08). After completion it will only take five hours to complete the journey.(the distance is about l320kms I really hope that I will be in the inaugural run in 2013.(I am now is already 76yr. old). Who care as to whetheer the prime minster of Britian, the president of France and the chancellor of Germany will be attending the opening ceremony of the Olmpic games or not. 20th.Apr.08.(Sun.) Association lunch for the swearing in ceremony of the committee members for 2008-2009 at 1200hrs in a Chinese restaurant. The ceremony was held at 1400hrs in the association premises. The Olympic torch arrived KL this afternoon. The run will start from Mederka Stadium at 2300hrs tomorrow and ended in KLCC at about 1830hrs. The distance covered will be about 16km. It is reported that the Bangkok run was smooth. 21st.Apr.08.(Mon.) 0815hrs. After surfing the internet an idea come into my mind. The whitemen's freedom of apeech and democracy is simply "do to others but not to thyself." It means these western countries will allow the other people to come to their countries to demonstrate against their own countries. They allow the deposed ex-national leaders, corrupt officials and high profile criminals to take shelter in their countries under the name of fancy pretexts. 1345hrs. I love the Pope very much. He is full of love, he went to the Ground Zero in NY to pray for the victims of the 9/ll, (those peace loving people.) I just wonder as to why he did not pray for the victims of those innocent people who died under the American bombs in Iraq and Vietnam? Were they all people with hatred? I went to visit the War museum in Vietnam where one can see the massive tanks, the huge planes, the bombs and all sort of weapons used to kill the poor Vietnamese peasants and innocent population. Were they all bad people whose soul deserved to be banished to hell?! 22nd.Apr.08.(Tue.)0740hrs. Actually I don't wish to be a bore, but alas, early in the morning the internet reports that city of Paris gives Dalai Lama honorary citizenship. Then I have to chip in again because it has touched on my raw nerve. Of course the whitemen like people like DL because he is in yellow robe, walk in a pair of worn-off slippers, with a little muttering mouth and always in a begging posture. Wouldn't it be good if all the Chinese are like that. But alas again, the Chinese now are equipt with Chairman Mao's thought and that has make it different. Sorry, I am now happy because I have left off my steam. The torch run had gone on smoothly. 23rd.Apr.08.(Wed.) 0915hrs. Star dtd.23.4.08.(ed.) page N8. Titled - Dr.M:America causing insecurity in Asia. I would add that America causing the insecurity in places that are insecure to-day. His explaination is just the same as what I have in mind. Japan and south Korea don't believe in the US propaganda but since they had been historically relying on other big nation(such as China in olden days), so now they have to rely on the US instead in order to feel secure.I am totally bored with the US election. No matter whoever become the president of the USA it will be no peace to others. Woke up at 4am and refused to fall asleet again, so got up and watched the 20th. episode of the "Norished by the same river", a documentary film on the Lancang-Mekong river. The river that starts from the foot of the Hymalaya mountain in Yunang provice and runs through Mymanma, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. The film took three years to produce with the combined effort of the six countries. The film shows how this river is being tidied up to provide services to facilitate commercial activities to improve the standard of living for the people living along the river. The facilities such as jetties or inland ports, safe navigations etc.etc. I remember of reading an article written by a BBC correspondent telling us that the Chinese was improving the waterway for military purposes and that they were messing up the ecology system of the regions. You know la, the white supremacists are good at critising and condemning what the Asians do without constructive alternatives. 24th.Apr.08.(Thu.) 0910hrs. If you have the opportunity to invite between Dalai Lama and Osama bin Ladin to your house for tea, who would you choose? Without hesitation I would choose the latter. Reasons, you have to analyse the caracters of each of them individually. If you are asked to choose which leaders between the Dalai Lama and President Ahmadinejad of Iran to be the tue leader of a people, who would you choose? Both of them claim to be fighting for the freedom of their people. The Tibetans under DL will not only be DL's clique slaves but also be the play thing of the Western powers. I don't really sure of the date either today or yesterday, the city that is rampage with hooligans and rufficans has betowed free citizenship of the city to the DL. Why, becasue he got the capability to stir up trouble for the govt. It is simple if one can organise any riot against one's own govt. a Nobel Peace Prize is assured. The bigger the riot the faster one will get it. 25th.Apr.08.(Fri.) 1820hrs. Hurray! for the moment the "free Tibet" gang has been silent by the Five Star flags waving patriots. The strangest of all is that the "free tibet" group members are mostly white bums. The poor Tebatans are too poor to pay for their fares to follow the torch. 26th.Apr.08.(Sat.) 0715hrs. This edea popped into my mind that Prince William of Britain landed a military helicopter in the compound of his girl friend's house becasuse he wanted to see so much. I have been been thinking that how lucky China is without a bunch of parasitical people who only enjoying life without doing anything. It took China five thousand years to produce a person like Dr. Sun Yet Sen to have the idea of getting rid of the emperial system followed by the Mao Tse Dong thought that to completely rid of the feudal thinking of the Chinese people. Thus the Chinese thought is liberated from the feudal thining and feudal system marching forward the scientific thinking. It is interesting to read from the newspaper that another barking dog of the Western power has been award with the Congressional Gold Medal,the US congress's highest civilian honour, to Myanmar's sarong wearing Aung San Suu Kyi. The only thing for sure if she become the head of the Myanmar government is election, buying American firearms, invite the US military and police personnel to come to the country to train the military and police forces and allow the CIA to establish net-working to monitor her neighbors'activities. To subvert the stability of the region. 27th.Apr.08.(Sun.)0740hrs. This brief article may not be true at this point of time but it is for may be hundred years from now when someone is trying to find out what was like in a hundred years ago. The threat to whorld peace today is not from Communist China but is from the ex-colonial white powers, this including the Japs from the Far East. The reason is these powers have had the sweetness of colonialism in the past. Afterall America's prosperity is noless in depending on the blood, sweats and tears of the black Negros. The prosperity of Europe is tatally plundered from the colonies around the world. Even from the profit of selling opium to poison the people. The Japs had seen that colonialism has prospererd Europe and they tried to colonised the East and finally got burnt and now is a vassal of America.(In Chinese it means slaves of no sovereign nation.) During the cold-war there was the world Communist block to prevent them to overun the but now there is one really can stop them, so they are up to their mischief again trying to stir up all kind of troubles around the globe. 1400hrs. I am sick tired of the American election. I hope a riot will break out on the acquital of the police offices who killed the black bridgegroom. So we can see how the US police quell the crowd. 28th.Apr.08.(Mon.) 0950hrs. I am really sick with the American election "wayang". Whoever become the president it will be sorry for everyone. It will definitely be no happy message. Now that the free-Tebat episode has come to an end with disateroud failure, it show that how stupid these bright people can be as to pick this issue to disrupt the Olympics. 29th.Apr.08.(Tue.) 0645hrs. What a pleasant sight of the Olympic torch relay in Pyongyang, North Korea compared to the scene seen in Londan, Germany, France and Japan. What a chaotic scenario it was. That is the difference between a well disciplined civilise society and an animalistic society.(In Malay, kurang hajar.) 1853hr. Brovo! Nepal sent back a US man for having a Tebatan flag in his pack on the way to the Himalaya peak where the Olympic torch would be. That is the only way to keep the torch relay going on smoothly. 30th.Apr.08.(Wed.) 1149hrs. It is heartening after a long observation to note that the English educated Malaysians irrespective of racial origin are not swallowing Western media reports wholesales. The case in point is the Olympic torch relay and the Tebatan riot incidents. Fifty years ago, the whitemen were rich enough to fly here and there and they were the only people who could write English news items and articles to be published in the Eglish newspapers. The English newspapers were also controlled by the whitemen but now it is just the oppsite. The ordinary asians and the English educated asian journalists can fly to anywhere to see for themselves and write news item and articles for publication in the English newspapers. In short the whitemen now-a-days just cannot bull-shit like before. 1st.May.08.(Thu.) 0500hrs. Will be bringing two aid-conditioners to be fixed in Alice's house in Melaka, so that whenever we go to Melaka we will be able to sleep in air-coned room. When watching the WW2 documentary film I felt gleeful when I saw the allied planes carried out the bombing of the German cities, but now I feel hatred towards the US when I saw the craters caused by the US bombing in Vietnam It was pleasant to see the GI's in the film but now the Gl's look like a bunch of marauders in Iraq. They look cruel and full of hatred in their armoured vehicles. They are like the Japs during the WW2. When one Jap's solder was killed they would massacre the whole village but now the Americans will instead flatten the whole village by bombing. Oh! ya! in WW2 they were the liberators but now they are the invaders and murderers of women and children. Reached home from Melaka at bout 1930hrs. The highway was jammed with vehicles. 2nd.May.08.(Fri.) 0725hrs. While in Melaka Alice took us to a Nyonya's place where Nyonya delicacies like 'kuabelanda(love letters in roll form), kuabaulu and acha so on and so forth. This reminded me of the old days when I was staying with my grandpa time. At that time I was a grandson and now I am a grand father of five children from my own son and a grandson from my daughter's side. I therefore have come to a full circle of human life. If you ask me as to whether I would like to be born again, I would tell you a thousand No! 3rd.May.08.(Sat.) 1820hrs. Since I have come through a full circle of human life, thus I am quite qualified to write something about nature of 'MAN'. Once I flipped through the Britainica encyclopedia I came aross a Russian philosopher who described man as worthless, weak and rebellious(I forgot one more item). Well, I will conclusively say that MAN IS BASICALLY A PEST. Today, in the Chinese newspaper a mother and a woman appeal to the Ah Long to go the son/husband for money if he borrowed from them(Ah Longs) but don't come to them for money. I told my friend about the story and I told him that if this case happens to me I would ask the Ah Long to hire a hitman to finish him off on my account. Most of the men who borrowed money from Ah Long is for gambling, not for anything else. 4th.May.08.(Sun.)2140hrs. Spent the morning part of the day strolling town. Slept a while and then went to the Association for the weekily tea. The Olympic torch is in Chinese soil now. Like one of the onlookers says,that the Chinese people and the Chinese government will not allow the disturbances taken place in the foreigh countries to take place in China itself. 5th.May.08.(Mon.) 1430hrs. The weather is very pleasant this morning, cool and bright. And also the world is very much peaceful not much reports on killing in Iraq, Afgan and African continent. 6th.May.08.(Tue.) 1900hrs. Nothing to report today. Everything seems to be OK up to this time. Typhoon killed 100 over thousand people in Burma. The boring American election campaign is still going on. In Malaysia everything is as normal. 7th.May.08.(Wed.) 1055hrs. Went to the National Library yesterday and stayed there for about two hours. There was no much change except the new computer section where we can serve the net and enjoy some other services which I am not familiar with. I will spend more time in there since I am so free now. I renewed my membership after four years lapse. According to the news reports, the Western powers are very gleeful now that the Cubans are allowed to own personal computers and to serve the internet. The westerners always have this idea that the computers can turn people towards their side by getting their propaganda by surfing the internet. As for me it is just the opposite, the internet had converted me fully to Chairman's thought because the internet allows me to learn what is MZT's thought. Before I only learned through reading a bit here and there.So you see this internet thing is a double edged sward really. 8th.May.08.(Fri.)0725hrs. How gleeful the Western correspondents had been these few days, the Burmese typhoon disaster had given them so much capital to critise and condemn. The Iraqi war had caused more death and destruction but the Western press had nothing to say at all. I am happy to learn that the Olympic torch had sucessfuly reached the Qomolangma peak. To fulfill the task aimed for under criticisms, condamnations and disruption is more glorious than rebutting them in words. That is how China attain from achievements to achievemnts since Chairman Mao declared the formation of New China on lst.Oct.l949 Let us not to believe what the white shallow minded so-called writers tell us the stories. They are just bull sitting for a small fees. 9th.May.08.(Sat.)0940hrs. I think it is very wise of Burmese govt. not allowing foreigh aid workers into the country. Those white snakes will creat more troubles than helping. The foreign writers and photographers are busy writing miserable stories for world consumption and the photographers snapping pictures of begging children, crying wormen and dead bodies to show the world in the exhibitions around the world and be awarded with all kinds of prizes and titles. The BBC office in Babdag was hit by the militant rocket. You don't expect me to say that fortunately no one was killed. 10th.May.08.(Sun.) 0825hrs. Mum's 70th. birthday party went off pleasantly. Everyone was happy particularly with Lip Wern who ran all over the hall, singing with the mike etc. It was a memorable night. 12th.May.08.(Mon.) 1840hrs. The US and UK govts. are very very very anxious to so-called help Myanma with materil relief espcially with their experts. During the cold war time I would believe that they were really kind but now I would be very careful with their infiltration. They are fishing in the stirring waters man! Let us see what is to happen in the following days. Will they succeed with their ulterior intention or the Maynma govt. succeed in stopping them? The Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China Ltd. is being establised in Shanghai today hoping that one day is to become the rival of Airbus and Boeing. I write this down, so that one day if anyone is to read this will know how long the Chinese take to grasp the capability to manufacture the big aeroplane. For the Chinese is famous for their completing a task with unexpected speed which make their adversaries gasping with awe. 13th.May.08.(Tue.)1350hrs. The BBC site is asking "why the Burmese generals deported BBC reporters", I can answer that question for the Burmeses generals. What are the BBC reporters,(for that matter), what are all the foreign reporters there for besides busying themselves with the miserable stories for their newspapers to make money. 14th.May.08.(Wed.) 1000hrs. Went to the garden for monrning exercise. Lately I did not go there because I do the morning exercise at home and to Titiwangsa for evening walk and secondly I wanted to avoid being caught up with traffic jam at the Batu Lima village traffic light. Thirdly I was lazy to drive. Last time I used to walk in the morning but now I am scared to walk in the morning because a lot of the morning walkers had been killed because people now-a-days like to kill people for the pleasure of it. 15th.May.08.(Thu.) 1415hrs. The foreign press do not have a lot of bad news from the Chinese earth quake instead they say that because the Chinese want to save face due to the Olmpic that they do a good job in the rescue operation. They don't want to admit that the Chinese are as good as they are now. 16th.May.08.(Fri.) 1840hrs. My world today. The Chinese is still spare no effort to help the earthquake victims. The task is enormaus but tried very hard with the modern equipment. The Burmese is also helping their Cyclone Nargis victims under western press's criticisms and condemnations for refusing to allow the foreign aid workers in, in particular the US military personnel. The CNN has some sort of apologised for the Jack Cafferty's remarks about the Chinese being goons etc. I do not appreciate it at all. They are good at purposely humiliating you by saying what they wanted to say and then apologise grudginly. Well, that is my day today. I am happy after saying what I wanted to say. 18th.May.08.(Sun.) 0930hrs. Yesteray,there was nothing significant event to write about. The earthquake in China. The Burmese cyclone Nargis. The US election stuff. That's about all. This morning I am supposed to attend the veteran annual meeting at Bellamy Road. It is scheduled to start at 0830hrs. I think it is too early to start anything at that hour on a Sunday morning, so I absented myself. Afterall there is nothing happening after 30 years of retirement from the army except the pension. The veteran association is doing nothing for the members as far as I am concerned. The Malay members are busy asking for hawker licences and land etc. but how successful they are I am not sure. Those members with plenty of children may get some financial assistance. Other than that there is absolutely no activities that benefit the members in general. My GAO clansman association is more interesting. Even the Selangor Senior Citisen Association is laousy. After collecting the entrance fees, that's it, nothing happen after that. Although a computer class is being set up, then the frequent break down and the instructor spends too much time on his hand-phone make it unpleasant to continue. It is reported that one western report complain that the reporter was not allowed into the earthquake area immediately after it happened and thereby assused the Chinese govt. is not practicing "freedam of press". What, which is more important,to allow the reporter to go in first or to allow the rescuers first? As far as I know the western reporter likes to know how many Chinese killed and how bad is the damadge so that he can send the news back quickly to be the first paper to publish the news, so that his paper can make a lot money. They are just like the vultures waiting for smelly corps. 20th.May.08.(Tue.) Yesterday was Wesak day a public holiday. Went for morning walk and stay home for the whole day. We spent for about three hours in one Utama shopping complex on Saturday morning part of the day so it was a tiring day. In the evening news, it was reported that the ex-prime minister Tun Dr. Marhatar had voluntarily quit UMNO. He accused that UMNO has lost the support of the Malays because UMNO is weak and not fighting for the Malays. He blamed the present President of UMNO is the main reason for it. Well, as far as I am concerned UMNO has been rotting within itself long before this. The second item need writting about is the concerns for the victims of the Cyclon Nargis expressed by the Western Powers is so intense, I wonder why they love the Burmese so much? The most spectacular scence is that most of the staff in the so called relief centres are manned by the white men and women and they are makeing all sort of complains. 21st.May.08.(Wed.) So far no mass resignation of UMNO members as exhorted by the Tun Dr.M. At least majority of the members and leaders are supporting the present UMNO President-Pak Lah. 22nd.May.08.(Thu.) 1845hrs. Strangely enough there seem to be no big events happening to-day. Quiet in all fronts. Nobody is porking nobody. Is it the lull before the storm? China is recovering from the earthquake. (I think it is a great dispointment to the Western media who expected to have a lot of negative stories to write about.)I hope the Chinese all over the world will be more cohesive and more progressive. 24th.May.08.(Sat.) 1750hrs. Nothing to report, the same old thing. My daily life is just as happy as ever. This morning went to the Lip Wern's school to see him taking part in sports. After two years in school he seems to know what he is expected to do. The last sport day he seemed to just follow what he boy in front of him without knowing what was happening. 27th.May.08.(Tue.) 0750hrs. I think I want to stop writing about the Western rporters' reports on certain subjects and the Western media because it will be an endless process and it is waste of time and spoil my mood. It is suffice to say that the Westerners has no good things for anybody, they are out to stir trouble for their own benefit. Their media is a kind of weapon to usurp the peace of the world and attack in all fronts, culturally, economically, militarily and politically and the ultimation is the extermination of your race like what they have done to the Red Indians. I want to keep this as a historical record of event in my life that is the best film that had been produced in America is the plane that smashed into the Worl Trade Centre in NY. The joy of seeing it is overwhelming for words to describe. 29th.May.08.(Thu.)2045hrs. Came back from Fraser Hills about one hour ago. Passed a night there, enjoyed the quietness and the fresh sir and the cool breeze. Internet is available there now if we bring our own lap-top both in Pine resort and the Silver Park. Currently the massive renovation is being carried out. It is estimated that it be completed by Dec. of 2008. 30th.May.08.(Fri.) 0855hrs. It is a bright and cool morning after a cloudy and raining yesterday. If the weather is always like this then Malay Penensular would be a dieal place to live in besides its political and racial considerations. In the last four or five days I have had gout on my right ankle and purge on last two days, so I felt weak and unhappy. Went to the Govt. clinic but they gave me only pain killer which did not help then I went to see Dr. Lian who gave me a jab, pills for gout and pain killer that did it. 2nd.Jun.08.(Mon.) 0825hrs. No significant events that affect my personal life to write about. An uneventful Saturday passed by. Yesterday, a Sundaym, went to the Assn. for parents day celebration. It was a pleasant do. We had a lot of tip-bits to eat and children programmes to enjoy. At eight o'clock night went to the "P4D1 JOINT MANAGEMENT BODY" meeting. This body is being formed to look after our own block os building instead of the Developer of the estate. Otherwise life is pleasant. 7th.Jun.08.(Sat.) 1250hrs. Weithout realising it four days has elapsed. This is because I do not intend to be critical with anything. I just don't care. There are so many cronic things happening everyday so why bother, as long as I am ok why bother?! My daily life goes on as normal. Eat, sleep, exercise,surfing the net, read the English and Chinese newspapers plus the David Copperfield.

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