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2011 June 24

13th.Jul.11. (Wed.) 2305hrs.

Went to TNB hq. at Melawati to settle the electricity deposit for the JMB P4D1. Stayed home until time for the evening walk. Actually went to the Popular Book Store to just look see for any new things happening or not.

15th.Jul.11. (Fri.) 2035hrs.

Went to University Hospital for eye check. It is found that both eyes are very ok, the next check will be six months from today. Heavy rain prevented me for my evening walk, otherwise the day was just as normal.

17th.Jul.11. (Sun.) 2045hrs.

Just came back from FH after spending a night there. The surounding is very well maintained now since taken over by the JMB. Due to lack of funds the buildings need facelift badly and urgently.

20th.Jul.ll. (Wed.) 1050hrs.

Just wonder who was the first guy who used the word 'golden age' for the old people. How can it be golden age while the old people have to see the doctors so frequently for so many kinds of illness. In this month alone I have been to UH for my eyes, the dentist and yesterday to the clinic for the result of the blood test. Luckily there is not much of a big problem. Is that what is 'golden age'. It must be kidding?!

23rd.Jul.ll. (Sat.) 2130hrs.

The good news is Lai Changxing the greatest Chinese smuggler is on his way home after escaping arrest for 12yrs by living in Canada. The bombing and shooting in Norway will wake up the Norvegians I hope otherwise they are very complacent and creat mischief to others from time to time.

25th.Jul.ll. (Mon.) 1905hrs.

Went to Midvalley this morning by train. Bought some imported biscuits from Mark and Spancer. Went to MPH to look at the latest issue of the Chinese English and English Chinese dictionary. Didn't buy any. I already have a smaller version one. I am glad that Col. Gadaffi is still in Lybia,let the Nato nations that take part in the bombing of Lybia bomb themselves into bankcrupcy. Just don't let them win easily.

28th.Jul.ll. (Fri.) 0013hrs.

Yesterday stayed at home except going for the evening walk. Watched the CNTV and surfed the net. Glad to know that the Chinese submesible ship can reach the dept of 5188m. The Chinese is also trying to outfit a aircraft carrier for training. It is better to be late than never. The KMT gov. in Taiwan is waiting for their foreign uncle to up-grade their warplanes as it has always been.

lst.Jul.11. (Mon) 0430hrs.

I am waiting anxiously to see what will be the US debt ceiling voting result.

2nd.Jul.11. (Tue.) 2315hrs.

As expected the result of the debt-ceiling drama is always ended undramatically as any other issues. All that debates and arguments are for show only. More debts will be more troubles waiting ahead. Once it is in debt it is difficult to be solvent again.

6th.Jul.11. (Sat.) 2115hrs.

Actually, there seems to be nothing worthy to write about. Life have been going on normally. The morning exercise and the evening walk is never missed.

10th.Jul.11. (Wed.) 1255hrs.

Now that the flame is burning in their own backyard, so let us see how they handle the situation. Do you remember the torch grabbing for the Beijing Olympic, how gleeful they were?

11th.Jul.11. (Thu.) 2250hrs.

The BBC is really great, with the riot in its own country it still has the time to worry about famous Chinese artist Mr. Ai Wei Wei with the title "Artist Ai 'felt close to death.' There are a lot of articles about their own social problems. So mind your problems before you laugh at other people.

20th.Aug.ll. (Sat)

Wow! had been lasy for nine days but actually there is nothing fresh to write about. The whole world is bore. The war in Lybia is still going on, the most interesting thing is that they are not shooting at the human enemy but to the thin air. I presume that they don't kill but to make a lot of noise to frighten the enemy. They dressed in singlet and don't carry any ration or ammo. They don't take aim but just shoot blankly into the opposit side. You don't see any man or soldier being killed. The news from the foreign news agency is comical. Kol. Gaddafi's sons had been killed so many times but still appearing. The NATO has got another month to drop their bombs then it will depend whether they still can afford to carry on or not.

24th.Aug.11. (Wed.) 1240hrs.

Does it matter who win, afterall the people who died were Libyans and the survivours will have to work to pay for the bombs and ammo given to win the hulaha - the Libyans. The real winners are the people who hid behind the screen. Pity isn't it?

6th.Sep.ll. (Tue.) 1005hrs.

Went to Zhangjianjie (central part of China) for an eight days tour, from 28th. Aug. to 4th. Sep.. In between visited MZT's former house, his Stone Statue in Shaoshan village. I took a round walk and paid a three bows respect to the statute.The main attraction is the rocky formations in the park. Both of us climbed the famour 999 steps to reach the heaveny stone gate. The steps are just like the normal staircase steps. Quite a number of people who are younger than we are were scared to do it.

From Changsha city to Zhangjiajie where the rocky park is is about three hundred over miles apart, along the way I was gled to see the new brick houses, the padi field was covered with golden ripe padi and various greenery. The highway is smooth and the whole length of the road is covered with trees and well-kept shrubs in the middle of the roads. In my heart I can feel the dynamism of China.

Talk of Changsha city, it has a special meaning to me because it was mentioned in the book 'Defeat into Victory' by Field-Marshal Viscount Slim that the only victory for China from the long Sino-Japanese war during the WWll was in the battle of Changsha city. Of course this is only his own opinion. He was the commander of the allied forces in Burma at that time.

2011/09/10 Good writing. Interesting to hear your thinking. Aik-Siong

llth.Sep.ll (Sun.) 1030hrs.

Today is a very good day, it is cloudy and so it is not hot. It rains for a while in the evening but it did not prevent me from my evening walk at the Metropolitan park. Indeed it is a very good Sep.ll. It should be more of the Sep.ll days.

15th.Sep.11. (Thu.) 2205hrs.

It is foolish to believe that the Libyans are free now, the real victors are the bombs and ammunitions suppliers. They are the people who will have the total free hands to set the stage for next episodes of events. episodes of events to come.

20th.Sep.ll. (Tue.) 2240hrs.

The weather is kinder now, it is not so hot and humid. The North-East monsoon is already here. It rains practically everyday, either in the evening or morning. Well, life is normal for me. Knowing a lot of the world affairs from the internet. The West is in deep trouble with the national debts. They had been showing off with their luxurious lifestyle to the world with the borrowed money and now it is hard for them to pay back the debts.

22nd.Sep.ll. (Thu.) 2135hrs.

The weather is splendid. It is cloudy and cool.

Poor Chinese KMT in Taiwan, they are still at their old ways. They are jubilant at being able to buy arms from their old time uncle to kill their own kind. They even seek approval for their presidential election. Just wonder since when the Chinese had been so disgraceful.

27th.Sep.ll. (Wed.) 1120hrs.

The morning is cool and bright. Last night was a dog-barking free night because the three young strays were taken away by the Bandaraya dog catchers. In Malaysia it is a trend that most of the Chinese households will keep one dog or may be more and that because some dogs are kept behind the fence and some are free to roam around so there will be a lot of barking going on. In the evening the dogs that are kept behind fences make speicial noises and barkings. I am a Chinese but I do not like to keep dogs because I do not want spending time to care of them. I want to spend time on my own. Strangely enough I did not see any dogs running around in the streets in China. Another interesting thing is I did not see any birds flying in the sky or on the trees even in the wooded area. I have noticed this on my many trips that I have been to China. I am sure you might have guessed the answer in my mind.

29th.Sep.11. (Thu.) 2333hrs.

In the morning part went to attend the funeral of a member of Gao Assn. He died of kidney failure at age of 56. Watched the whole process of the space lab Tiangong l launch in CNTV from 2100hrs to about 2140hrs when it was announced that it is successful. Switched to BBC just to confirm how fast is the BBC, true enough it was there in its web site with a sourish head line "Tiangong-l launch betrays China's earthly ambitions". I do not really understand what the white men try to mean. But not a word is mentioned in the ll pm world news in MTV l in Malaysia.

10th.Nov.ll. (Thu.) 0920hrs.

The day is fine. Went to JMB office for a while and went for the evening walk. Get ready to go to S,pore early in the morning by bus to attend the S'pore GAO association's 63th. anniversary celebration dinner. We have 10 members to attend. The S'pore GAO association was established in l948 before the separation and therefore it was the only association to represent the GAO clansmen in the then Malaya. My father was a member of the association. It is called Koh association because GAO is pronounced in Hokkien dialect as Koh. I remember my father was issued with a membership certificate and it was burnt when he passed away because it is believed that whatever belongs to him must be burnt to follow him. When I am there I will try to trace as to whether any record to this effect is still being held by the assn..

14th.Nov.ll. (Mon.) 2140hrs.

The 60th. celebration dinner was great, there were plenty of singing and the women section presented lovly dances. They must have put in a lot of hard work. Mum and EM spent the whole Sat. on shopping while I roam around the see more of the Singapore. Spent the Sunday morning to look for Koh assn. premise and finally found it. Spent about half an hour there taking some pictures and found there is no record of my father's membership. Went round the waterfront and took 4.30pm bus home. Worthy of note was Heng Jin donated S$10,000 to the S'pore Koh assn. that night. The joke was he asked me to announce it to the audience, instead I announced it as one hunder dollars so it was put right immediately by their president.

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