Start Here Pa. 18th.Apr.12. (Wed.) 2230hrs. Went to town by bus to survey the Chinese writing brush and papers to practise writing the grandchildren's Chinese names. I plan to write their Chinese names on drawing papers myself to give them as souvenir when they come in May. Otherwise they will never know their names in Chinese. What the effect will ultimate imprint unto them is left to be seen. 20th.Apr.12. (Fri.) 2200hrs. Let me continue with the Colonel's story. Arrived home after a week's holiday in the East Coast, as our car stopped at the gate I saw him curled up sound asleep in the porch. I called his name softly but there was no response, so I called his name lounder, he suddenly lift up his head to listen and turned his head to look at the direction where the sound came from and lo he saw me standing there and instantly ran to me and put his fore legs on me with his tail waging vigourously as if he was embracing me and making the gesture of kissing my body. Obviously he was very very happy to see again. How he must have felt during my absence I could not fathom. It touched me deeply and till today I still can reflect on the scene vividly. 22nd.Apr.12. (Sun.) 1945hrs. A sunny and hot Sunday. At 1200hrs the swearing-in ceremony for the Gao assn. was held in a restaurant near the assn. building. The past presidents of the assn. were invited to witness the ceremony. Heng Jin, his wife and son Peng Guan were present. Heng Jin donated RM10,000 to the assn. Actually we plan to give him a 81th. birthday party but he turned it down by saying that he never celebrate his birthday, so he think that it is not necessary to have one for the 81th. birthday as well. In response to the good gesture he donated the money. The whole process of the swearing-in ceremony went off smoothly and everyone present was happy. It cost the assn. nearly RM1,500. After the lunch we adjourned to the assn. to hold the first committee members meeting for the new set of committee members. We set out the new tasks to be carried out for 2012. We decided to have our annual lunch to solicit funds on 9th. of November 2012. The meeting ended at 5pm. 25th.APr.12. (Wed.) 2135hrs. Have been busy preparing the statements of account for second quarter of 2012 for P4D1. Other than that there was nothing worthwhile to note down. The problem we have is the large amount of debts. Yet the relevant authority is not coming out strongly to help to collect the amount due. Well, there is no use of complaining. We just slog on from day to day to the best of our ability. 2nd.May.12. (Wed.) 1435hrs. Went for a 3 days 2 nithts tour of S'pore and Batam island of Indonesia from 27th. - 30th. of Apr. There was nothing great to see in Batam island really. Except the high rise hotels the rest of the town is just like the Malaysian kampongs. There is no luxuriou restaurants to cater for either Europeon or Chinese foods to talk about. There is no sunny and sandy beaches. So I just wonder what people go there for. For us we just want to satisfied our curiosity since there is a lot of reports of happenings on the island in the press. We passed a night in a cheap hotel called 81 hotel in S'pore The air-con. is OK, the bed is comfortable but the tv is with few channels and there is no place to put your soiled clothes and there is no hook or rack to hang you wet towel. The next morning while waiting for the time to board the bus for home, of course I bought a copy of Chinese and English newspaper each to read and strangly enough I found that they were so boring and dry. In the past I used to enjoy reading the S'pore newspapers bothe in Chinese and English. Now I think since I can get the news and knowledge from the direct sources from the internet, so what we can read from the newspapers seem to be out of date already. Yesterday was Labour Day, of course it was a holiday. Went to see the Chinese Navy training ship 'Chenghe" at South Port Port Klang. We were just allowed to go round the deck one complete round of the ship. It took us a great pain to have the opportunity to see it because the crowd was tremendous. I think this is an indication to the fact that the Chinese are proud of their ancestors' land although it is quite a small ship compared to the ones that are owned by the super-power, but the ray of hope is in the horizon that the day will come that the Chinese Navy will be as strong as that of other powers. 3nd.May.12. (Thu.) 1635hrs. I pity the blind Chinese dissident Chen Guancheng that he failed to relise that he is valueless for the Western propoganda that is why they did not send a special plane to take him and his family away quickly. 4th.May.12. (Fri.) 2325hrs. The weather is very very hot today. No rain. Let me tell you another dag's story. This time is my grandpa's black dog. His name is 'itam' in Malay. The time was when I was about seven and eight years old. I still can visualise him curling on the floor mat in the centre of the main door of my grandpa's house. He was a quiet dog he did not simply bark for nothing. The next thing I remember about him in particular is that he used to sit in waiting when my auntie poured the biscuits into a big biscuit tin brought back from Melaka Town by my grandpa because she would give him two pieces after completing the job. He would be happy to eat them. The biscuit was from the left over bread cut into blocks and put into oven again to bake them dry. My grandpa used to buy them from a bakery in Melaka. We ate them with black coffee for breadfast. 6th.May.12. (Sun.) 1700hrs. This part of KL is quiet, I don't know other part of KL is peaceful or not. Lately due to the gen. election is eminent so there is a lot of demonstrations going on. Now that the mother of human rights and democracy had gone home, so there should not be any more of the blind dissident's drama going on. The staging of the drama was very well planned. They must have hoped that thousand and thousand of supporters of the blind man would go to the Thiananmen Square. They spared no efforts to creat trouble for other people. 10th.May.12. (Thu.) 2300hrs. It took me three hours to go by train to Subang Jaya to bring back the maid from EM place by train as well. It will take as long if I use my car because of the jam etc. By train it cost only RM2.30 for the maid while as a senior citizen I got a free ride for three months otherwise it cost half ware for me. In the evening there was a big thunder storm raging on for about two hours. So there was no evening walk. 12th.May.12. (Sat.) 0515hrs. Woken up by the barks of the dogs at 4am and just couldn't fall asleep again. One of the annoying things of living with the Chinese neighbourhood is the barking dogs. Last time the noises made by the Chinese population was their loud talkings, loud radio music, car honkings etc.etc. When you go for morning walk you can hear them clapping their hands while walking. To me it is very annoying. I like to walk by myself quietly just to stop talking because people have been talking too much. All the troubles either big or small are caused by talkings. Comparatively the Chinese are more civilised now. 13th.May.12. (Sun.) 0435hrs. This morning the dog-barking is less. it may be due to the cooler weather. Yesterday we spent the whole morning in the PUSPACOM. This time the PUSPACOM is totally reorganised and it had really got rid of the corruption activity like last time. We will see how long it will last. We gave a farewel dinner to the maid who is going home after five years with us. We invited uncle Loon and wife, Mai Chin and her fatty daughter with her boy friend and the new maid. She will be leaving at llam with the Air Asia. 13th.May.12/ (Sun.) 2325hrs. Went to SS's house with the maid at about 10am. Proceeded to the LCCT at about 1100hrs. After checking in they bid farewell to her wihtout me. We started our journey home at about 2pm and stopped at Taipan USJ for some food as we had missed our lunch. Sent EM to SS's house to pick up her car and maid. By the time we arrived home it was already about 4.30pm. Had a nap for one hour. Thinking of going for a walk at the Metropolitan garden but the darkening sky prevented me for that. It was already about 6.30pm.,so gave up the idea of the evening walk. As we were preparing to go out for our dinner uncle Loon called and asked us whether we are happy to go to his house for dinner as he had boiled chicken(pak cham kai) and chickem soup for dinner. So we ended up having dinner in his house. It was a delicious dinner. 16th.May.12. (Wed.) 2225hrs. There is nothing to write about my psesonal life. It had been non eventful for the last three days. The weather is extremely hot and uncomfortable. The US $2b loss by the JP Morgan is quite a news. That is what it is said in the Malay proverb that "tupai pandai pandai l0mgpat, satu hari jatoh juga". That is good enough for time being. 18th.May.12. (Fri.) 1755hrs. Yesterday, went to top up my prepaid card for travelling in the Rapid transport system vehicles like Buses, LRT etc. at the Klang Bus Station LRT station. The Klang Bus station is being torn down to make way for the MRT station. Few other buildings will be involved and this has raised protest from the property ownners in the Sultan Street claiming that it is a historical heritage and it should be preserved as it is. I really don't know what is the real reason for it. I thought the MRT station will bring prosperity to the area. After seeing a lot of modern cities, KL is really a rundown city. 19th.May.12. (Sat.) 0000hrs. Went to PUSPACOM again, this time passed the test. So we can relax for another six months. Congratulations to the blind Chinese activist and his family members, they can now enjoy eating hamburgers in the country of its origin. They must be very happy now. Another thing that linger in my mind that I just cannot put it away without sayng something about it that is the govt. of KMT Taiwan is buying 66 pieces of the F16 for now and other weaponry to follow soon. KMT Taiwan is hailed as presenting the Free and Democractic China and it has to depend on buying arms to protect its while the mainland China is developing its own weaponry, that is why they have been blamed for not transparant and as a threat etc. So as a Chinese whick China you prefer? 22nd.May.12. (Tue.) 2220hrs. Sunday, went to Jln Pasar to see the sunday market and the Pudu big marke because we had not been there for three years. Monday, took Sung Fong to the veteran office at the Jln. Tun Dr. Ismail to see what he can get from the dept. since he left the service without pension. The govt is giving RM 3,ooo to the ex-home guards, Junior Liason Officers, and AC's and other servicemen who serve during the Emergency from 1948-1964. The answer is there is nothing for him since he left the armed forces much later when the emergency was over. However they are trying to persude the govt. to give this bunch of ex-servicemen some aid. To-night saw the footage from the TV that those potesters in the demonstration against the 20 summit held in Chicago is a bunch of timid, pale and frial crowd. I doubt there is anybody would care to listen to them. 24th.May.12. (Thu.) 1630hrs. Wed. Went to the Public Bank headquarter at Jln. Raja Chulan to change the new names of signatory for the Koh's assn. cheques since the President and Treasurer of the assn. have changed after the 1912 AGM. This morning went to JPJ to renew mom's driving licence. 27th.May.12 (Sun.) 1025hrs. Life have been very quiet for the last few days. This morning went to the Metropolitan garden for a morning exercise for about 45 minutes. Went to Tmn. Kolican for breakfast. As I surf the net everyday, it dawns to me that I am very fortunate to be able to read and write Chinese. I can communicate with my Chinese ancestors through their writings and carving or whatever they left behind to tell us of their experiences etc., and to listen to their stories in their own language. Through the CNTV I have learnt that the Chinese had not been totally sleeping in the past five thousand years of their history. They have the brain and a pair of good hands with which they can create beautiful things. At this point of time the only thing the Chinese should do is to produce the war weaponries as good as if not better than the West have got. 29th.May.12. (Tue.) 0735hrs. Sunday, the wowan section of the GAO assn. held a small party for the mothers' day. As usual the small makan and some games for the children etc. It was an enjoyable gathering. At the same time we watched the Thomas Cup final match between China and South Korea. All of us were very happy to see how the Chinese badminton players trashed the South Korean. The Chinese team is very much superior than the South Korean team in term of physical fittness and skill of playing the game. Hope that the Chinese national football team will be as formidable as well after the clean-up operation. Monday, it was a quiet day until the arrival of my uncle's twp daughters. They brought two bottles of sweet wine from Meleka for us for cooking purposes. We chatted until 3pm and took them for a Mamak curry lunch. We took them round the Metropolitan garden and a visit to the Gao assn. premises for a look. No evening walk as I was tired without tht afternoon nap. 31st.May.12. (Thu.) 2130hrs. Tuesday lunch time went to the KLIA to fetch the five grand sons and daughters. They ate a late lunch at about 1530hrs. SS took them to the Metropolitan garden in the evening, then rested and went to dinner without dinner. They stayed home in the day and taken to Jalan Aloa by EM and Peter for dinner on the Malaysian hawker food. Today they were taken out by SS for the whole day and now(2135hrs) EM and Peter are coming to take them to pass the night in their hous. 2nd.June.12 (Sat.)1020hrs. Yesterday (Fri) since mom was going to Jinjang market so I hitched a ride for my yee mee breakfast. After lunch mom and I went to the stampping dept. to frank the rental agreement. No evening walk, poceeded to EM's house for Peter's birthday roast-pig dinner party. The children were there too. We left the house at twelve midnight. Today is a public holiday, Agong's birthday. 5th.Jun.12. (Tue.) 0940h. Sunday, the grand children left for Penang in the morning. Went to the assn. to see the children doing the Chinese calligraphy practices. I also wanted to know what is new on the callighraphy side. I have lost touch with the subject for a long time. Monday, went to Lumut by bus alone, just to see how the small town looks like now. I saw a small portion of the town only. Without a car one can only walk so much. It took four hours to reach there and another four hours to come back. By the time I reached homw it was 10pm already. It has improved a lot with new jetty for tourists to go to Pangkoh Island. I started off at 9.15am from Pudu Raya new bus station. However I enjoyed the trip, it made me tired and something new to do. 8th.Jun.12. (Fri.) 1320hrs. Mon.& Tue. mainly stayed home except going to P4D1 to collect maintenance fees for banking. Thursday, went to Melaka to show them my mother's and father's graveyards particularly to the youngest fellow. Then went to Machap Bahru to show them to Ah Mok's wife as to how they look like. She gave us five durians and up to this time they are still there intact. Came back from Machap we met up with Lip Wern in the Air Kroh Melaka wonderland. It is a new amusement park situated in the site just newly cleared in the former forest reserved land. I still remember the Air Kroh area was a thick jungle with plenty of large and tall trees but now it is developed into human housing estates. After the swimming went to a restaurant for dinner and went to my sister's house to see how she is like. We finally reached home at about 1030pm. 12th.Jun.12. (Tue.) 2325hrs. Friday, Saturday and Sunday, just lazing around at home feeling so tired-like about the trip to Melaka particularly to the wonderland where we have to wait for the children for two to three hours without properly resting place. Monday, my stomach was giving me some trouble after eating the mutton curry. I even missed my evening walk. Today (Tue.) although not 100% to the mark but still went for a 1 1/2 hrs slow evening walk and feel much better now. 15th.Jun.12. (Fri.) 2335hrs. Wed. and Thu. were two free days. Don't remember of doing anything in particular. Wed. went to the JMB office to check on the clerk to see whether she comes to the office in time or not. Thu. went to town to while the time away. As I had said earlier that it is very fortunate that I can read Chinese. Take today for example I surfed the Chinese web site, it spends a lot of time in describing the preparations of the launching of its spaceship and also report on their submersible returned to surface after reaching the dept of 6,500 meters undersea. The western websites did not utter a single word about these things except magnifying the forced abortion with photo images etc. 17th.Jun.12 (Sun.)2240hra. I have just finished my writting for Sat. and Sun. and when I clicked Save page it just disappeared. Saturday, took the children to see Heng Jin at 1030am. He gave RM 100.oo ang poh to each of them. Then he took us to a lunch at the restaurant near his shop. The disces were the same as the one that he gave three and a half years ago. The children seemed to enjoy it. Took them to see the KL tower, we did not go up the tower due to the hazy condition. Reached home at about 3pm. Turned on the CCTV 4 to see the preparation of the launching of the Shienzhou 9. Took them to uncle Loong there to see large screen TV on the actual launching. This is to let them see the Chinese style of launching space ship. The Chinese truely "Cina boleh". KMT China could never never have done it. The most they can do is to hitch a ride in the foreinger's spaceship. They would be very very grateful to them for giving such a favour. Sunday, went to look for the "Persatuan Hainan Wenchang Kuala Lumpur" started from 10 am. We took about two hours to find it with uncle Loon together. We were given a packet of chicken rice with a bottle of mineral water. The Chinese govt is building a roacket launching pad in that part of Hainan and with that I hope to be able to see the launching of Chinese spaceship in the near future. The latest news I heard it will be ready by end of 1013. 20th.Jul.12. (Wed.) 1335hrs. Mon. & Wed. knocked down by the current flu. Went to the govt. clinic and got some cough syrup and panadol. 23rd.Jun.12. (Sat.) 1145hrs. Have been sleepy and having headache for the past two to three days. Mom also is having a tough time with the flue. I think it is the haze that is the main culprit. However, I am getting better while mom has gone to see the private doctor for better medicine. 25th.Jun.12. (Mon.) 2135hrs. Sunday, in the evening went to EM's house for Fu Yee's birthday lamb BBQ party. The only invited guests were Heng Jin and his wife, the rest were family member. It was an enjoyable evening. We reached home at about lam. This morning went to see the doctor again for my flu and cough. This time it is a female Chinese doc. She prescribed me for sore throat, cough and stopping the flam. After the first taking and a nap I find it doing wonders for me. I am now goind to take the second round, hope that it will make me sleep soundly tonight. 29th.Jun.12. (Fri.) 2230hrs. The children have gone home. Peace and quiet has returned. We woke up at 3am. and took them to the airport at 4am.. That was on 27th.June. Wed. It is quite pleasant to see them grow. They are no more baby except the yougest fellow. We don't talk so freely like when they were young. We don't play anymore but to walk to talk and do anything more maturely. 3rd.Jul.12. (Tue.) 0000hrs. l.Jul.(Sun.) A "bak chang"(rice dumpling) competition was held in our association and you know what, our dumpling got the lst. price. Of course we did not make them ourselves but we asked the dumpling maker to make the best ones for us. We were not really very proud of it, just to join the fun. In the evening we attended a birthday party in the Hokkien association in Klang. It was for the mother of our ex-association president, Mr. Tiam Fatt. It was her 80th. birthday and the ang pow collected will be donated to a Chinese girl school in Klang because Mr. Tiam Fatt is the chairman of the Board of Directors of the school. It is understood that the collection was around one hundred twenty over thousand ringgits. We went in Heng Jin's van with EM. Today, went to the JMB office to stand in for the clerk who went to take the oral driving test in the morning part. As usual went for my evening exercise. 8th.Jul.12. (Sun.) 0845hrs. It is a fine and cool Sunday morning because it rained lightly last night. The dogs strangely are silent. I think they are also resting because of the cool weather. It was a quiet and a peaceful week, I can find nothing to write about. I had been staying at home for the whole week because I had been sleeping less at night due to a light cough in the early hours of the morning. 12th.Jul.12. (Thu.) 2215hrs. It had been very quiet for the past four days except preparing the 3qtr.STATEMENTS/INVOICES for the Block P4D1 and sent them to the individual unit owners. Last night went to dinner in PJ to entertain Mdm. Han and her daughter Other than that everything seems to be peaceful. 14th.July.12 (Sat.) 2145hrs. Morning went to Tmn. Rainbow small garden for exercise. In the evening went to Batu Cave to climb the 272 steps for exercise. I am really disappointed that they did not burn the Chinese made Olympic uniforms as suggested because I want them to be mad, the madder the better. Don't be surprised in twenty or thirty years time they may have to travel in Chinese made air crafts to go to wherever they want. 17th.Jul.12. (Tue.) 2235hrs. Life have been going on very normally for the past three days. I can think of nothing interesting to write about. It had been raining pretty much for the past three days. One of the unit owners in the P4D1 reported leaking in the roof yesterday. Went to look at it and promised that I will find a repairman to put it right. The leak had been repaired before but it started to leak again. The repairman promised to come tomorrow, so I hope he will really appear. 22nd.Jul.12. (Sun.) 0550hrs. After surfing the net I am sitting here figuring what to write. It seems that I can think of nothing of significant to write about for the past four days to write about. 25th.Jul.12. (Wed.) 2210hrs. On Sunday attended the GAO assn. annual lunch meeting at 1400hrs to discuss the arrangement for the day. We have had plenty of experience on the matter, so there was nothing much to discuss about. On Monday took the roof repairman to look at the unit that reported leaking. He agreed to do the repair job for RM 1,800 but so far he did not come back to say as to when he will start the job. Will call him tomorrow. Today went to the Rivercity at the 3rd. mile Ipoh Road to see what is going on there. Well, Carrefour will be there and the surrounding is full of makan shops with foreigh names and traditional local names. 31st.Jul.12. (Tue.) 25hrs. Went up to FH on Sat. morning and returned on Sunday. Started coming down at about 1200hrs, so we had a lot of spare time we turned in to the Bantang Kali new village to see the village and also we turned in to the Kampong Dato Harun to have a look. We did not know there is a small water-fall at the end of the kampong until now. It is a pleasant Malay kampong because it is a new purposely designed one unlike the new village it was set up during the Emergency era. Under the JMB, Silver Park is well maintained. I can say that the management is doing it with the intention of making it a good holiday resort. Not only the intention but it is done systematically with tenical know-how. It is also learnt that they are installing the WiFi system for every lock of the Silverpark complex. The FH authority is also building a theme park as well at the vacant land used to be the carpark before. The future looks bright for the Hill. 2nd.Aug.12. (Thu.) 1635hrs. Busy watching Olympics. I am very lucky to be able to live to see the day the Chinese from "the sick of Asia" to the day that they win the Olypic gold medals. The Olypics of the forty up the time before the birth of New China was totally void of the Chnese participants. The strongest Asians atheletes were a handful of the Japanese. I was also quite convinced to believe that the Chinese will never win any medals from the Olypics left alone winning gold medals. We were told that we are rice eaters and rice contains a lot of carbohydrate and therefore make us weaker unlike the Europeans they are stronger. The other reasons were that we were poor and also stupid for not knowing how to play games etc. After the WW11 the Chinese schools were mostly dominated by the KMT whick was pro-Western world. KMT believed that the Western world would help them to build up China so they praised whatever the Westerners do expecting us to follow them. I think the main reason they did that because they did not have plan whatsoever to run the country. They just copied what the West did. Simple isn't it? Everyone in and out of the govt. was amassing money and put them in the foreign banks particularly the military generals and warlords. If anything happen they would be the first ones to run the to country in which they put the money in. 6th.Aug.12. (Mon.) 1335hrs. Well done China. With the principles of "faster, higner and stronger', the Chincese will eventually win eighty percent of the medals of the Olypincs. They are many misters gooddy gooddy talk about this and that but to me winning the medals is the finally goal of any sports. Bye,bye! 11th.Aug.12. (Sat.) 2300hrs. Went to Seremban to visit a relative of mom. After the visit went to eat beef noodle supposed to be very tasty but it turned out to be not so for us but a lot of people were eating it. Come back to KL by the old road. Our journey was smooth because one of mom's relative's son who is familiar with Seremban drove the van for us. 13th.Aug.12. (Mon.) 1320hrs. Finally the London Olympic Games has come to an end. China's medal position is second but to my mind the actual situation is the Chinese as a racial group has got the most medals. The simple fact is some country's medals are won by many ethnic groups put in together. Shoot me if I am wrong. 19th.Aug.12. (Sun.) 1045hrs. Today is the Hari Raya Puasa, our Taman is very very quiet. Mon has gone to Pangkoh Island with her gang. Life has been normal with us so there is nothing much to write about. KL is being transformed with the construction of the MRT from Sg. Buloh to Kajang. The main station in KL is located at the old Klang bus stand. The new bus stand is already ready for use. The old Klang bus stand building is already demolised. Two other large building nearby will also go to make way for MRT station. I hope I will still be alive to ride the train. 23rd.Aug.12. (Thu.) 0450hrs. Lately got up very early. at about 3am and cannot fall asleep again, so in order to pass the time fruitfully is to surf the net. The political atmosphere in Asia is best described as tense with all the military exercises going on. The feeling is just like the situation before the beginning of the WW 2. 25th.Aug.12. (Sat.) 0325hrs. Woken up by the neighbour's dog consistant barking and being not able to fall asleep again so here I am. Lately it had been raining in the evening quite frequently so I did not get to exercise properly. I felt that I desperately need a long walk. It was drizzling lightly when I took the train to KL train station hoping that it did not rain in KL. True enough it did not rain in KL but the road was wet, that showed that it had been raining there too. While there went to have a bowl of the famous beef noodle and from there walked to Chow Kit Road bus station to take the Rapid bus home. According to the small gaget that measures the walking steps one makes I have taken about 14,000 walking steps for the whole yesterday, that was four thousand more than the recommended number of walking steps. It is recommended by the medical expert that one must walk at least 10,000 steps a day in order to keep fit and healthy. 28th.Aug.12. (Tue.) 0950hrs. Last Sunday I joined mum's one day trip to Broga in Negeri Sembilan. Broga was a hot spot duering the Emergemcy days. Sgt. Norkan from my 'B' coy. was promoted to 2 Lt. transferred to Malay Regiment was sent there, that is why the name Broga has a special meaning to me. It is a small village at the end of the road. Lately the SHORTIES appear to be very ferocious since they joined up with a strong friend. Whatever it is if they still stupidly believe that they are stronger than China and try to fight with China again, it will be the total end of their race. They don't have to wait for one thousand years. lst.Sep.12. (Fri.) 0625hrs. Went for a day's trip by tour bus to Bentong and Raub. We know the area pretty well but we still want to know what the tour people can tell us. The only place that we did not know is the little so-called farm resort in the middle of the rubber estate near Raub. They took us there for lunch. We went round the Raub town and went back to Bentong for mixed 'ice-kacang' topped up with ice-cream in a shop which we did not hear of it before. The trip ended with a dinner in Desar Jaya area in a normal restaurant. Well, I forgot to write something that made me unhappy about what I saw during the trip. When we visited a temple in the outskirts of Bentong I saw six birds were kept in each birdcage hanging around the temple premises. The second unhappy episode was two monkeys were caged ia a small cage each in the resort compound. The birds and monkeys were trying to escape ceaselessly. 3rd.Sep.12. (Mon.) 2320hrs. Attended a final meeting for the 9th. Sep. GAO assn. lunch yesterday. Everything went on smoothly. It is learnt that eleven members of the Singapore GAO assn. will be coming to join us. 9th.Sep.12. (Sun.) 1040hrs. Getting ready to attend the GAO assn. lunch to be held at 1200hrs. 10th.Sep.12. (Tue.) 0215hrs. The GAO assn. 29th. birday lunch went on according to plan with 31 tables served. The S'pore GAO assn. members were also present. They started from S'pore at 6.15am and arrived here at about 1pm. As usual of any Chinese dinner or lunch party, it was noisy with singing and loud music. However it went on smoothly. 21st.Sep.12. (Fri.) 0335hrs. In this critical time the Chinese must go back to the Chairman's thought for strength and wisdom. 25th.Sep.12. (Tue.) 2150hrs. 22nd. Sat. NTR. 23rd. Sun. GAO assn. held the moon cake festival. The normal celebration. Eating and children games. 24th. Mon. No activities. Today went to Putrajaya to take the bus sekolah permit. The global "Sam Seng" has eventually come knocking at the China's front door. So as a Chinese what must I do?!. 1st.Oct.12. (Mon.) 1255hrs. Yesterday was the Mid-autum festival day and the day to pray for grandpa, so we went to Uncle Loon house for lunch with the Han family. Of course Uncle Loon was doing the cooking. To day is the China 63rd. year national day. I watched the whole ceremony of the top Chinese leaders laid flower baskets at the Monument of the People's Heroes in the Tienanmen Square in the CCTV. I hope that the Chinese people will rise up against the enemy again as call for in the Chinese national anthem. This time the aggressor will be very much stronger than that of WW2. 9th.Oct.12. (Tue.) 0835hrs. Today is my birthday. Normally I don't remember my own birthday because I never celebrate my birthday. On Sunday night (7th. Oct.) I was given a big and expensive dinner by EM and SS. It cost about three thousand RM. Before the dinner I was told that Peter Alinger and his wife from Switzerland was giving us a dinner. When I arrived at the dinning room I was greeted with all present wishing me a "happy birthday." The ex-secretary of the GAO assn. of S'pore Yong Fatt was also present. He flew in from S'pore specially for this. He also gave me an expensive Sony camera as a birthday present. Heng Jing, wife and his son Peng Guan were also present. The dinner ended at about ll.30pm. 8th. Oct. Monday, EM and I took Yong Fatt to Putra Jaya for a look-see and then to Air Asia terminal.

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