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Please read more about VMMaker at [1]. Here, I assume reader already read about VS SqueakVM 3.10. Otherwise, please get a copy of SqueakVM Win32-3.10.7 source. There will be a directory named platforms, which is vital to generating C code from VMMaker. Parent of platforms will be "root-dir" in this document. Eg, in my case, I have "C:\Smalltalk\Squeak\3.10\demo\VS2008\platforms".


  1. Get Squeak 3.10 start-up with a 3.10 image. For instance, SqueakVM-Win32-3.10.7 with a Squeak3.10.1-7175-basic.image.
  2. Drag a Package Loader (SqueakMap) from Tools tab on the right-top corner. Search for VMMaker in the search field on the top left field. Right-click on VMMaker and select install. Click on yes/proceed on messages pop up/warning prompt. The installation might take some time.
  3. Close the Package Loader window and drag a Browser from Tool tab. Search for VMMaker and select VMMaker-Building -> Win32VMMaker. Right-Click on Win32VMMaker and select remove class. Click yes on prompt.
  4. Drag a File List from Tools tab. Go to "root-dir\platforms\win32\build" directory, find for then click on file in. is one of many files in Squeak source release which we downloaded earlier in VS SqueakVM 3.10. Close File List.
  5. Double check. Now Win32VMMaker as subclass of VMMaker.


  1. In Workspace, type this VMMakerTool openInWorld, and do it.
  2. VMMaker UI show up. Fill in "root-dir\platforms" at Path to platform code. Eg., in my case, I will fill in "C:\Smalltalk\Squeak\3.10\demo\VS2008\platforms". Fill in "root-dir\platforms\win32\build\src" at Path to generate sources.
  3. Now, choose plugins to be added to the SqueakVM you are about to build. Drag the plugin chosen from Plugins not built to either Internal plugins or External plugins.
  4. Next, click on either Entire, Core+Internal or External, depend on what do you want VMMaker to generate. **Entire: Generate entirely, Squeak VM and all plugins. Both internal and external.**Core+Internal: Generate only Squeak VM and all internal plugins.**External: Generate only external plugins.
  5. Use Load and Save button to save and load desire VM configuration. This mean, remember what are the internal and external plugins to be build with a version of VM build.


  1. If a plugin cannot be added to Internal Plugins or External Plugins panel, most likely, the path to platform files is not set properly. In other words, check the directory filled in at Path to platform code. It should be the path to Squeak source downloaded (root-dir\platforms).
  2. Check if source generate correctly into "root-dir\platforms\win32\build\src". If the directory is empty, check if directory correctly entered at Path to generated sources.
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